Frederico Câmara

Garage Sale, event, dimensions variable, 2003
Garage Sale was an event held at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, as part of its Summer Festival. The artists working during their fellowships at this institution were invited to bring to the gallery any material belongings that they wanted to sell. All items were labelled with the names of their owners and a small price, and they were sold during a period of two days, with artists taking shifts as sellers during the event.
Although this event was conceived as an improvised and humorous way to participate in a festival, its mercantile character was a paradox to the non-commercial and non-material natures of the art being produced at the Akademie Solitude. And among the many used objects brought by the artists to the sale floor, a few twigs (like any other to be discovered during a walk in the park) could be found with a price tag, a joke on another object commonly produced by artists: artworks.
© Frederico Câmara 2003